Monday, November 30, 2009

Black n white bday party..

On 29th nov was cassey's bday..
D celebration was held at The Banquet..
D theme was black n white..
That noon,i went to wash + set hair wif cassey at 4pm.. It took 2 hrs..
Then,we rushed back to make-up since they hav to reach thr by 6.45pm..
As its pretty rush, I only managed to do some simple make-up 4 her.. As ppl said,天生丽质is important.. Due to her nature beauty+gud skin,juz a simple make-up made her looked so pretty.. haha..
Then,we rushed to d party venue after d make-up..
Some guests hav reached thr ord.. Every1 was so co-operative that.. They r all in black n white..
D dinner startes at 7.30pm.. After dinner was d cake-cutting ceremony n photo shooting session..
Then,we went to d lounge thr to hav fun..
Some of them were drunk n even vomitted..
D party ended at 12midnite..
Juz a simple word to conclude--"FUN"!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Graduation Ceremony..

On the 17th of October,attended my bf's sis graduation ceremony at Crown Plaza..

Every1 was happy.. All d students, parents, siblings and friends were happy..

Somes pics...

me wif cassey

all of us^^

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

31/08/2009 -- Merdeka's countdown!

Me.. in car..
Dear was acting cool.. wakaka..

Me again..

Dear wif Edmond

Me wif pik yun..

Me n ah Ken

Me wif dear at Paragon..

LOVE ('@')

Last sunday,went to the Emperor wif dear n frenz..

However,due to some problem,our seats has been taken by others..

Thus,MOVED to d Paragon..

Sharing seats wif Ferdinand..

That nite was really unlucky.. Cox, d tauke reli made ppl mad ar.. He gave us d Chivas, bt he dint giv us glasses.. Sot de wan us pour d drink on our hands n drink meh? hahaha...

After complaining for few times,finally gav us d glasses..

Its ALREADY 12.00AM!!

wAD 2 celebrate huh?? reli angry of him!

However,we managed to finish whole bottle of d Chivas b4 1am.. Reli enjoying tat nite..(only if ignore abt d Emperor's seats n Paragon's Chivas lar)

Taking pics around+watching them dancing+chit-chatting wif dear n frenz..
HAving Fun AGAIN^^

Sunday, August 16, 2009

scary+worry.. finally.. HAPPY!!!

The day finally come...
cant sleep for d day b4.. worried...
finally,know d results...
thank GOD!!!
Congrats to all my frenz too!!^^

Sunday, August 2, 2009

1/8/2009 Littke bear bear's bday


Last saturday,we celebrated ah xiong's bday at the Emperor..


Few days b4 d party, ah xiong asked us to wear formal and d theme is black and white..

However, some ppl wear "OUTSTANDING" colored shirts.. mayb wan to b d most attractive? hahaha... onli they know abt d ans.. hahaha...

We reached thr around 10.30..

Ah xiong n jessy ord waited for us thr..

We sat at the VIP sofas.. BUT, nt nice thr.. too hot.. n too low tat we cant c ppl above.. hahaha..
i would just prefer ordinary seat.. hahaha...

we were all happy tat night.. some ppl vomited few times thr.. d waiter had to mop d floor for few times too.. kolian...

by d way, gt a pair of couple was sticking together n kissing for whole night.. Just like "ELEPHANT BRAND " SUPERGLUE.. every1 thought tat it was reli disgusting n to be an eyesore.. hahaha.. ok la,just a small entertainment for every1 ma.. n they r reli "en ai" wanted to show their sweetness.. we just sit n watch ma.. hehehe...

We bought a cake for bday boy but dont hav d pic here.. it was a muscular man wif a little bear beside..

We were reli happy for d party..


Me n Dear

Us AgAIn

yun,guang,me n jessy

me n jes

Saturday, July 4, 2009


b4 going out..

wif dear..
so long dint blogging..
erm,saturday again..
went to mu mu xiao wu juz nw wif dear n frenz.. quite nice thr.. like it..
d food not bad.. drinks also nt bad.. haha.. mayb will b d place whr we go for yam cha besides kado.. haha..

Friday, June 5, 2009

yoo.. holiday holiday holiday..
made cakes 4 tis few days.. on wed,made a cheese cake at dear's house wif ah ken..
haha,quite success lo.. hahaha...
nt bad ler de taste..
thurs made an egg cake.. erm,looks nt reli gud bt d taste quite ok la.. haha..
* dint manage to take photos.. will take next time..
yeah..going to matang family park later wif dear n frenz..
gonna post abt it if gt any story..

Monday, May 11, 2009





















侣和刚是校友,工作后又是同事。小侣是她那群伙伴中结婚最早的一个,也是爱得最最轰轰烈烈的一个,当时两人的天雷地火,仿佛也把在身边的人都给振憾、感动 了。他们办了场让所有人都羡慕的婚礼,带着所有人的祝福开始了幸福快乐的生活。这一过就是十一年,幸福快乐的十一年......
几日,一直都很时尚漂亮的小侣,突然一副精神颓废的出现在好朋友玲子面前,未语泪先流。玲子关心的问她怎么了?她说:刚有外遇了,他正和我闹离婚! 听到这,很是震惊!在听了侣的哭诉后,玲得知刚已去意已决。而当侣告诉玲说:刚是为了一个没有工作,也没有钱的来自湖南的打工妹,放弃了这个家的,而且 刚已经交了辞职信,打算和那个女人去湖南。玲更是无法理解了,因为玲也见过那个女人,她除了比侣年轻一点外,长得还没侣漂亮,实在是不明白刚为何为了这 样一个女人,宁可抛妻弃女!?而侣和他过了十一年,现在也不过是31岁呀......
说她也打过电话给那个女人,本想叫她不要破坏别人的家庭。没想到对方却理直气壮的说:我和刚是有爱情的,我们是真心相爱的,我倒认为,你不要干扰我们, 还是快快退出吧!刚已经打算不要你了,他很快就会和我回湖南去的......他已经不要你了,你就不要死皮赖脸了!侣本想警告对方,没想那女人,在当破 坏别人家庭的第三者时还可以这么理直气壮!这让侣气得说不出话来。侣找来双方家长,所有朋友,大家都苦口婆心地劝说刚,可是刚仿佛中毒了般执迷不悟!和家 人朋友也都翻脸了。此时的刚更加无所顾忌的在侣的面前,和那女人打电话,发暧昧短信!侣已经快要崩溃了!
有的人都想不明白,刚是怎么了?更不明白,那个来自湖南的女人何以有这么大的魅力?能把一向内向斯文的刚迷住了心窍?而可怜的是,侣不想放手,她一直都很 爱刚,她也很爱这个曾经充满快乐的家,她不想让女儿受伤。于是她用尽了所了的力气来努力挽回,她想努力挽回这段感情,可是侣已经是接近崩溃了,而她的努力 也无法感动刚一丝一毫......
家庭和爱情成为一对相互冲突的矛盾时,谈责任似乎是件可笑的事?!现在的人是怎么了,主张自我,主张敢爱敢恨,却不主张负责任!以自我为中心,只要认为是 爱,就可以不顾及任何?!以至于当第三者都可以理直气壮!难怪爱情越来越稀缺?!难怪永恒会渐渐的变成传说?!难怪白头偕老变成人间佳话?!人世间最美好 的是爱情,可是如果我们都把爱情建立在破坏别人后的废墟上,那么它还有什么美好可言?!

十一年,我由一个20岁的女孩成了你的女人,然后生孩子,一边工作一边抚育孩子,还要照顾你的父母。结果呢?女孩老了,你的孩子也大了,家里的日子眼看着 一天天好起来了,你却变了!而可悲的是将我踢出局的,却是哪方面都不如自己的外来的女人!真的,输给这样的人真是让人不甘心!不甘心归不甘心,毕竟是十一 年的夫妻了,还有什么不可说的呢?我们这十一年来,日子又不是过得不好,怎么能说变就变呢?亲爱的,你说你们在一起这几个月,是有感情的,你们的感情才是 爱情。那么亲爱的,这十一年,我们在一起就不是爱情吗?那如果不是,你能告诉我是什么吗?我们的家不也是在爱的基础上建起来的吗?你曾说过要陪着我一辈子 的,我们要一辈子幸福生活在一起的,怎么才过了十一年,你就失信了呢?亲爱的,你能再回头看看这十一年里我都做了什么吗?我在嫁给你的时候,连房子都没 有,我们曾一起住的那小屋,常常漏雨,还有老鼠的,你还记得吗?我们拼了命的工作,买了房子,接了你父母过来住,你说要让他们安享晚年。亲爱的,你还记得 吗?我在生咱们的女儿时,你焦急地守在手术室门外,听到医生说我大出血时,你象个孩子似的放声大哭吗?你记得你痛哭流涕的求医生救救我吗?亲爱的,你还记 得女儿学会说的第一句话就是叫你爸爸的吗?亲爱的,你母亲病了住院的那些日子,你记得是我在为她端屎端尿的吗?亲爱的,你记得那个困扰了你很久的方案 吗?你记得是谁在哄完孩子入睡后,半夜里和你一起查资料吗?......亲爱的,这些你都不记得了吧?!
唉, 既然你真的要走,我让你走,如果你觉得那样你会更幸福的话。那么我想说的是,我会依然爱你,我会一直爱你,直到我死去。亲爱的,还记得这句话是你在结婚时 对我说的吗?当时我听到这句话时,我也是这么想的,只是你先把它说出来罢了。亲爱的,你忘记了太多我们的事情了。只是,在你走之前,我希望你给我个理由, 给我一个让我甘心放手的理由,好吗?

Sunday, May 3, 2009


最可惜的是maggie不能和我们一起去。。 她下午就回去了。。可惜咯。。


过期好几天了哦。。 那天,教完书后就等亲爱的来载我。。 之后呢,就去载我最好的朋友。。maggie..我们去了kado^^ 聊了好多哦。。 kalvin 一直成了我们的笑柄。。哈哈哈。。 之后呢,又移位去mcd..亲爱的想吃薯条。。哈哈。。 我们一直聊到两点才回家。。 好迟哦。。但一点睡意都没有。。 因为难得可以和maggie出。。 她星期六就要回去读书了。。 又要等到七月了。。 好开心的一天。。 因为有最爱的宝贝和朋友伴我度过四月的最后一天。 嘻嘻。。

love d song muchiee..

suddenly heard of a song frm d youtube yest noon,fell in love wif d song.. wuu..such a nice+hot song..
wads d name??
lets intro d song..
NOBODY from WONDER GIRLS^^(korean stars).. hehe..
lets share wif my frenz here.. hope u all enjoy d song..^^

have a nice day^^

Saturday, April 4, 2009

My 19th Birthday!

Well,ord passed for abt 1 week time n til nw jz hav time to share abt my story 4 my birthday.. wakaka..
Act, on the 29th March,my dear,Simon,his bro n sis, n also kalvin n ah siong celebrated my birthday wif me at LING LOONG seafood centre ord.. n,kalvin n ah siong bought me a cake which caused them kena saman.. hahaha... pity them coz both of them nid 2 pay extra rm30 each person 4 my birthday present as they paid it 4 saman! hahaha... anyway,thanx 2 them 4 their nice cheese cake.. haha..

After dinner, went back 2 my dear's house 4 cake cutting.. haha.. yumm..nice cake.. received a present n 'ang pao' frm dear's family.. thanx thanx..

On d 30th March,dear asked me what do i wan as my present?? i tol him wanna a surprise.. all gals like surprise de ma.. so do i.. when i was teaching tuition, he went 2 look 4 present wif his 2nd wife,KALVIN..(haha.. im d big wife ma) lolss... jkjk..finally,he gt me a perfume,CHRISTIAN DIOR ADDICT SHINE.. wow,d most precious present.. love it so muchii.. hapi hapi..THANK U very much dear dear...

On 31st March,my kay ma n cousin sent their present 2 my houz.. Panties n a necklace.. oh gosh.. like them so much... so cute.. then,b4 went 2 college, my fren,candy,sent present 2 my houz.. so touch ar ..then, odilia passed me d present frm her n ya mei at college.. after tat,received a present frm jessy.. my bez fren.. hehe... Besides,also received presents frm irene on APril fool.. haha.. as conclusion,love all d presents given by my frenz n my beloved!! thanz so much oh...bY D way,thank u ya magggie n sherene.. thanx 4 u gals present.. early early gave me ord... so wu sim.. hehe..


Wednesday, March 25, 2009


hehehe... thanx a lot ya gal.. so touch 2 c ur blog ler.. nobody else greet me bday gok.. u r d 1st 1 lar.. n u r d 2nd 1 gv me present(1st 1 is maggie)^^aPPRECIATED ur wishes n present so much! both of u gals gimme cosmetic lar.. hehehe.. reli useful 2 me.....hahaha~~~
by d way,let me intro her..
sherene is a cute gal,like cartoon!hahaha... joke lar (jz cute lar cartoon) hahaha!!! she'll kill me!
nolar,actually is a pretty gal lar.. hehe.. n funny.. owes makes me n frenz laugh a lot! HAAHAHAHA!!!
we used 2 b in d same class 4 d 2nd yr ord.. so looong ohh.. haha.. i appreciate u vry much 2 b my fren.. we owes 38 2gther,talking non-stop in class(quite guilty lar..hahaha),n share food... she n IRENE owes bring home-made cookies n cakes 4 us^^(gt eggtart,cheesetart,haw cakes,chocolates..yummy..) THANX a lot ya GALS!

Anyway,Thanx again ya 4 ur wishing--SHERENe! n ur blusher too^^

C ya tmr in college!
Tata~ Nitez~

Saturday, March 14, 2009

What is LOVE???

Just read a blog written by my fren..
Felt so pity 4 d content of her blog.. reli felt pity 4 her fren..
Wad is love??
Y will a relationship jz end like tat although ord last 4 few years?
As she told me,her fren has been 2gether wif her bf 4 almost 5 yrs..
Y wil they break?
This makes me hav a deep thought of the matter--LOVE!
For me,i dun believe on long-distance relationship..
As we all know,if 2 heart r far frm each other, the relation wil nt last longer..
As if d couple r far frm each other, hw 2 maintain d relationship ler?
BUT,i hav a fren who is far frm her bf(her bf is in KL).. their relationship is stil vry gud ler.. quite envy of them.. hahaha!!!
Well,this matter cant b predicted 1 lar..
Jz 1 word,APPRECIATE!!
We should appreciate wad we hav nw n appreciate our relationship..
Tats all we can do ma..
N,d most IMPORTANT, TRUST .. hehe..
So,trust ur beloved.. n b gud 2 them,love them,n care of them.. hehe..
Lastly,hope evry couple can last 4ever..

N, love u owes,Dear!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

My Valentine's Day 2009

14th February 2009--China,ShenZhen
Its reli an unforgettable Valentine's Day 2 me..
I woke up vry early in d morning..
After prepared,i go out wif my dear n his famile 4 breakfast at a restaurant..
D dimsum thr were reli nice + delicious.. miz d dimsum..
After bfast, went 2 visit a muzium which gt many weapons n stuffs used in war..
Then,visited d "Window of d World".. Managed 2 take some pics thr..
After tat,we visited a Chinese Cultural Village..forgt d actual name ord..
We spent whole day time at thr.. Taking pics,watching shows,playing around,learning abt various type of ethnics in China.. D shows r amazing!!
D most meaningful thg was taking pic with dear wearing d King n d Queen clothes..
Quite touch as dear sacrificed his hair 2 take photos wif me(his hair was messy after wearing d crown) hahaha...

Bsides,i oso took some pics wearing Mongolia's wear whch i quite love it..

When we bck,its ord 10sth..After dinner n reached hotel,its ord 12sth..
Although no candle light dinner,its my most precious+memorable VALENTINE'S DAY!!!


Monday, March 9, 2009

A cute gal^^

007,me n yi ling

me n ning jing

cute girl

dear n 007

Cute girl--007, a gal from China. really cute cute o..
Met this girl when in China, my bf's kampung..
1st time saw her, was on 6th February..she is really a cute n pretty gal.. She doesn't scared of strangers.. she can mix well wif us although jz meet her..
tis cute pretty gal quite gud wif us,especially wif my dear..she likes my dear so much n my bf oso likes her too.. hahaha!!!(sounds like jealous? haha.. mai siao la..)
erm,tis cute gal oso likes 2 dance.. noticed it when we were in a nite club(nt pub oh).. when d dancers dance,she oso dances.. hahaha!! hmm,gt potential 2 b a gud dancer!!hehehehe...
By d way, she oso likes 2 eat sugarcane.. haha,we oso learn from her d way 2 eat sugarcane.. in juz a minute,she can finish d sugarcane!omg.. im nt so pro as her in eating sugarcane although my teeth r much bigger n more than her..hahaha...
Erm.. tats all frm tis gal.. playing wif her 4 jz around 1 week time.. we all quite nt willing 2 b part wif her.. hmm.. if gt chance,hope 2 go 2 China 2 look 4 her..
miz u,007(Ning Jing)..^^

Friday, March 6, 2009


the laz day of february 2009..
after hanging out wif frenz,watch movie wif dear..

its really a very nice movie..
man should nvr b flower-hearted... should always love their lover n b loyal to their lover..
hehehe.. gals,agree?
after watch movie took some pics..

My Saturday Nite

it's a nice saturday..
hanging out wif bez buddies.. however,so sad tat lanny was nt wif us..
lonely at miri lar.. gal,miz us ma? hehe..
miz u so much o..
at The Spring--Fun Hei Dei,wad my fren col(mixed too long wif kl ppl gt a bit cantonese ki lar,gal..)

hanging around at the spring bt dint buy anythg.. quite upset coz dint c anythg which attract us.. hmm,we plan 2 go out agen b4 li hui bck kl.. hiak hiak.. lanny,miz u lar cnt go out wif us.. we all miz u! do take k at miri ya.. hope u doing well in ur studies.. jia u!